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Introduction to CSS


Okay, now we've begun putting HTML elements on a page. Using our house-building analogy, this is like we have all the materials now in a pile in front of our house.

However, a pile of lumber ≠ a house.

We're going to start styling our pile of lumber so it looks like a house with the next programming language known as Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).

CSS is a programming language where you specify a list of "styling rules" that tell the browser how things should look. Conceptually like: "all h1s will be colored red" or "all images will be 100 pixels wide".

Simply, CSS is a way to take the HTML elements that you have on the page and style them to look nice.

Take for example, a site with no CSS styling. Doesn’t look great!

No CSS Image

The above is a site with no CSS styling.

CSS Image

The above is a site (the same HTML!) with CSS styling.

Crash Course

A CSS document consists of groups of styles which have three parts:

  • selector: an expression which states which elements you're changing the styles of. We'll dive in later into what these actually look like!

  • rule name: the name of a pre-defined styling property which controls a part of how an element looks. For example, this can be color for changing the text color, or font-size to make text bigger. We will teach you the most common ones, but there hundereds of CSS properties out there!

  • value: this is the value of the property, it can sometimes be a keyword like bold, a color like red, a size like 12px, or even more complex things! We will also dive into all the different kinds of values things can have later on.

How to learn CSS properties?

The best place is MDN. MDN is a very reputable and accurate place to get very accurate and detailed descriptions of what CSS properties there are. However, just Googling and using sites like Stack Overflow is the best way to get examples of how to style things as a beginner!

When put together, your CSS document looks like

<selector> {
<rule name>: <value>;

Let's put look at this in a real example so it makes more sense.

Example: Changing text color

<p>This text is now red and bold</p>
p {
color: red;
font-weight: bold;

Here, we use the p selector to match all p tags. Then we set the color property (which controls text color) to red which is a built-in color into CSS. This also uses the font-weight color to make the text bold.

Where to put the CSS

So where does this CSS code go? Let's explore the two approaches:

The most common and recommended way is to put your CSS in a seperate .css file. To tell HTML where your CSS file is located, you are going to put a <link rel="stylesheet"> tag inside the <head> of your document. You can have multiple stylesheets.

<html lang="en">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../style/about.css" />

<!-- This tag usually goes in the head of the HTML document -->
  • It's good coding practice to "separate your concerns", meaning you keep styling to its own file (CSS file), and content to its own file (HTML).

External stylesheets have a .css ending

Using multiple stylesheets

If you use multiple stylesheets, they may conflict with each other, for example by using the same selector. In general, the stylesheet inserted last will take precedence. You will learn more about the specific conflict-resolution algorithm used in CSS in the next lesson, also known as "specificity".

style attribute

If you have some CSS properties you want to apply just to a specific element, you can also use the style HTML attribute:

<h1 style="color: blue; text-align: center;">Header</h1>

<!-- In this example, the h1 has color blue and center aligns itself -->
  • The style attribute will override any style set globally, like styles specified in the style tag or in an external stylesheet.
  • This will only style the element that it’s applied to.
  • This is good for elements that do not follow a specific pattern

This is strongly not recommended because it makes your HTML code look very messy (although the authors do admit they do it themselves now and then).

style tag

Another way to use CSS is by inserting CSS classes directly into the HTML document at the very top.

<html lang="en">
h1 {
color: red;
p {
color: blue;

<!-- This stylesheet lies within the HTML document and will affect the entire HTMl page -->
  • This is usually not preferable for long CSS documents.
  • Overrides external stylesheets

CSS Selectors

CSS searches for elements in your HTML to style. So we need a way to tag/identify certain elements so your CSS knows where to look and what to style.

Tag selectors

This is the simplest selector, just use the name of the HTML tag you wish to select!

  • Tag selectors select elements by tags
  • For example, you can select all elements with the <h1> tag, or <p>, <a>, <img>, etc…
h2 {
color: red;
width: 20px;
height: 40px;

/* All elements of type h2 in your HTML will be affected. */

Class selectors

A class name is an attribute you put on an element in your HTML, and then you can apply styles to all elements with that attribute. In CSS to specify a class, prefix the class name with a .

<img class="team-photo" src="maverick.png" />
<img class="team-photo" src="goose.png" />
.team-photo {
color: red;
width: 20px;
height: 40px;

/* All elements of class "team-photo" in your HTML will be affected. */
Multiple classes

A tag can have multiple classes. Say I wrote two CSS classes, "team-photo" and "big-picture", I can apply both those classes using <img class="team-photo big-picture" />

ID selectors

An ID is just like a class except that only one element can have an given ID. To specify an ID in CSS, prefix it with a #

<h1 id="header-block">This is red</h1>
<h1>This is unstyled!</h1>
#header-block {
color: red;
width: 20px;
height: 40px;

/* The element of ID "header-block" in your HTML will be affected. */

Naming CSS IDs and Classes

You generally want to give things useful names.

There's a saying in computer science that there are two hard things in computer science: cache invalidation, naming things, and off-by-one errors. (Cache invalidation is another topic for another day.)

So if you struggle to come up with names for things like classes and IDs, you're not alone. As a programmer you get to name a lot of things.

With classes, you want to name things semantically. This is a fancy word that you want to name things as close to what thing is and not what it looks like.

Example: Imagine this is a blog post on my website.

Example 1 Image

For the blog post title, what should I call the class? What tag should I use?

I really can use any tag and it'll mechanically work. Using CSS, you can make pretty much any tag look and act like any other. So if it doesn't matter mechanically, why should it matter to me?

For the reasons we layed out earlier:

  1. It makes the site accessible to everyone if you choose good IDs and class names. It's your responsibility to make sure the web remains accessible to everyone, including but not limited to: people with limited sight, limited motion of hands, arms or other limbs, limited hearing, and other permanent or temporary disabilities.
  2. It'll make it easier for you to come back later and maintain your code or for someone else to understand what you did. Code is communication between you and future readers.
  3. It makes it easier for Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo, etc. to crawl your website which means your site will rank higher in search results.

Screen readers and other accessibility tools do not read your class names or IDs; choosing good names here purely affects you and others working on this code

Given that, it means we need to choose a tag that means that's a title. In this case, we can use an h1 because that is the main header of that subsection.

For the name of the class, how about red-title? It's a title and it's red; fits, right?

While that may seem appropriate and fitting now, what if you need to change your blog's styling the following week and now that blog post looks like this:

Example 2 Image

If your title is still called red-title, you have a bit of a problem! Now your class name is not only not descriptive of what the item is, it's actually wrong which will make it way more confusing to you and other laters.

Now, you may say that you can just change the class name when you go to update but believe me that's not a good option either. If you've used that class 1,000 times throughout your website (not that farfetched) you'd have to update 1,000 different things.

It's better if we give it a good name the first time, descriptive of not what it looks like but descriptive of what role it serves.

In this case, we could call it something like blog-post-title or post-head or something of that nature. That class then always be descriptive of what the thing is and not what it looks like.

Selectors (Advanced)

The universal selector

The * (universal) selector affects ALL the elements in your document. This is super overkill for 99% of cases, so we don't recommend using very often.

Alternative to the universal selector

Most properties you want to globally apply (e.g. changing the font with font-family) you can do on your html element and it'll be "inherited" by all its children (we'll dive-deeper into what properties are inherited in the next lesson). For example:

html {
font-family: "Comic Sans";

is a better way to make all text the same font instead of *.

OR Grouping Selector (,)

If you want to apply a group of styles an element that matches any selector in a set, separate them using a ,

  • This reduces code clutter and makes it less repetitive.
p {
text-align: center;
color: red;

/* All h1, h2, p elements will be affected. */

AND Grouping Selector

If you want to apply a group of styles to an element that matches ALL the selectors in a set, squish them together like: {
color: red;
font-size: 50px;

This applies the styles to ONLY h1 classes that have both the my-title and red-text classes.

Hierarchical Selectors

If you want to select a tag that appears as a child (at any depth) of a tag, seperate them by a space:

.text h1 {
color: blue;

/* All h1s inside of .text classes will be affected */

.text {
width: 2rem;

.text .pretty {
color: green;

.text .ugly {
width: 4rem;

".text" classes as a default are of width 2rem and color black.
".text .pretty" classes have width 2rem and color green.
".text .ugly" has width 4rem and color black.

Common CSS Properties

So you've seen a few CSS properties, but lets dive into the most common ones:


  • color: changes color of the text
.heading {
color: blue;

Color Image

  • font-size: changes size of the text
.heading {
font-size: 100px;

Font Size Image

  • font-weight: changes heaviness of font. lower = lighter, higher = bolder
    • 200: Ultra Light
    • 300: Light
    • 400: Regular
    • 500: Medium
    • 600: Semibold
    • 700: Bold
    • 800: Heavy
.heading {
font-weight: 200;

Font Weight Image

  • font-family: type of font face being used
.heading {
font-family: monospace;

Font Family Image

  • text-decoration: allows you to modify lines on your text
.heading {
text-decoration: underline;

Text Decoration 1 Image

.heading {
text-decoration: overline underline green;

Text Decoration 2 Image

  • text-align: change the alignment of your text

text-align defaults to center

.heading {
text-align: right;

Text Align 1 Image

.heading {
text-align: left;

Text Align 2 Image


  • border-style style of the border. there are many to explore!
p {
border-style: dotted;

Border 1 Image

p {
border-style: solid;

Border 2 Image

  • border-weight thickness of the border
p {
border-style: solid;
border-weight: 20px;

Border Weight Image

  • border-color color of the border
p {
border-style: solid;
border-weight: 20px;
border-color: lavender;

Border Color Image

  • border-radius roundedness of border corners
p {
border: 10px purple solid;
border-radius: 10px;

Border Radius Image

  • border-top-right-bottom-left
p {
border-bottom-style: solid;
border-bottom-weight: 6px;
border-bottom-color: red;

Border Bottom 1 Image

p {
border-bottom: 6px solid red;

Border Bottom 2 Image

p {
border-bottom: 6px solid red;
border-left: 2px dashed blue;
border-top: 3px inset yellow;

Border Bottom Left Top Image

  • border shorthand way to specify border width style, and color all at once.
p {
border: 5px dashed cyan;

Border Image

Position and sizing

More in detail demos and descriptions in Lesson 4!


  • static
    • Static is the default positioning, where the elements will follow the normal flow of a web page.
  • fixed
    • A fixed element is positioned relative to the viewport.
    • The element's position relative to the screen will not change even if the user scrolls.
  • relative
    • An element with position: relative; is positioned relative to its default static position.
  • absolute
    • An absolute element is positioned relative to the nearest positioned ancestor (instead of positioned relative to the viewport, like fixed).
    • Can use this to layer on top or under other elements
  • sticky
    • Sticky is very similar to relative in terms of positioning.
    • However, when the user scroll to the element, the element will become fixed position and "stick" on the screen.


  • height/width
    • size of the element itself.
  • Units:
    • px
      • Standard pixel sizing
    • %
      • Percentage of the parent element
    • rem/em
      • rem: relative to the size of the root element's text
      • em: relative to the size of the element's text
    • vh/vw
      • Size relative to the viewport height (vh) or width (vw)
      • Usage is strongly recommended against. Very often the source of buggy UIs.


  • background-color specifies color to use as the background

    body {
    background-color: lightblue;

    Background Color Image

  • background-image specify image url to use as background

    body {
    background-image: url("paper.gif");

    Background Image Image

  • background-position specify where the image goes relative to viewport

    body {
    background-image: url("img_tree.png");
    background-position: left top;

    Background Position Image

  • background-repeat specifies if the background image repeats (defaults repeat)

    body {
    background-image: url("img_tree.png");
    background-repeat: repeat;
    background-position: left top;

    Background Repeat Image

  • background-attachment you can choose how the background image moves as the user scrolls (default scroll)

    body {
    background-image: url("img_tree.png");
    background-attachment: fixed;
    background-position: right top;

    Background Attachment Image

  • background shorthand for all values in one line

    body {
    background: #ffffff url("img_tree.png") no-repeat right top;
    margin-right: 200px;

    Order of values

    Background Image


  • predefined colors CSS comes with preset color values
    • eg. yellow, blue, pink, lavender, cyan, purple, etc...
  • rgba Formatted as a list wrapped in parenthesis: (100, 200, 40, 50)
    • Max is 255 for the first three values
    • r: red value
    • g: green value
    • b: blue value
    • a: opacity
  • rgb Formatted as a list wrapped in parenthesis: (100, 200, 40)
    • Max is 255 for all values
    • r: red value
    • g: green value
    • b: blue value
    • defaults to 100% opacity
  • hex hexadecimal representation of color
    • starts with #
    • followed by a six digit string of numbers between 0-9 and letters between a-f
    • #000000 is black and #ffffff is white

Box Model (Height, Width, Padding, Border, and Margin)

Box Model Image


The width and height directly affect the size of the content in the box.

Gift Box Analogy: The size of the present inside of the box


The padding affects how much space there is between the content and the container that holds it.

Gift Box Analogy: The packaging peanuts


The border wraps around the padding and the content.

Gift Box Analogy: Wrapping paper


The margin is the amount of space between the container and elements around it.

Gift Box Analogy: Distance to another present

Life Hack of the Century: Dev Tools!

Developer tools are the single most useful set of tools you will encounter in web development

They are built into your browser. To open, hit control/command + shift + c. Or right click and press inspect

These tools let you dig into your DOM and search through you code to see where things are and why things behave the way they do

From static sites to full-stack web applications, this will be your frontend best friend.

What can you do with dev tools?

  • Click on divs and see their exact styling and where the styling is coming from.
  • Run lighthouse testing to see how speedy and accessible your site is.
  • Make updates to your code and see updates in real time before changing it in your real code.
  • Check the network tab to see server responses and interactions.

Enough talk, let's open up those dev tools!


StarterCSS is a beginner-friendly devtools extension to shorten time spent Googling for CSS docs and tutorials. If you're looking to ease into CSS and Devtools, we recommend you check it out!


  • CSS is the furniture, the wallpaper, the vibes of the house.
  • Without CSS, we would never want to visit the internet ever again.
  • CSS can be finicky and annoying to grasp at first, but with dev tools, patience, and practice, you'll be able to handle any styling problem in an instant!
