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HW 3 - JavaScript

In this homework, we will be covering the essentials of JavaScript for web development. Although JavaScript will be presented in this homework as a language that runs after your HTML, adding functionality here and there, it will soon become the driving force of your website with the introduction of React. For this reason, you must learn JavaScript well. This homework is designed to give you a good overview of the most important parts of JavaScript.

Q0: Read the Notes

JavaScript was designed in a rush, and it shows. It is not a beautiful language. It is confusing. For this reason, make sure you read all the JavaScript notes while doing this homework. The JavaScript notes contain a lesson, Fundamental JavaScript Concepts, and a Review of the Document Object Model (DOM).


Starter Code

Q1: Function This

Implement the following function to take a list and return the item in the list corresponding to the maximum value in list after applying func to each item.

function max(list, func) {
var maximum = _____;
for (var _____ of ______) {
var _____ = func(_____);
if (______ >= _____) {
______ = ______;
return maximum;

Q2: Flip It and Reverse It

Based on the previous question, in one line, write an anonymous function which, when passed as func to max would cause max to return the smallest value in the list.

const reverser = _____;

Q3: What is This?

When objects are created, we use getters to set their initial values. Getters allow us to access value of the object during initialization. In the following function, complete the getter to compute the Euclidean distance between (a, b) and (x, y)

class Point {
constructor(x, y) {
// Initialize the point with the given x and y coordinates
distance(p) {
return Math.sqrt(
// return the Euclidean distance between this point and point p
// hint: Euclidean distance is given by sqrt((a - x)^2 + (b - y)^2)

Q4: Objects Gworl

Warning: Read the following spec very carefully

We want to create a general purpose function to keep records. We pass a JavaScript object, key, and value to our function, and in return, our function should do the following:

  • If the current value of the item at key is a singular item, update the key to correspond to value
  • If the current value of the item at key is a list, append value to the list
  • If the current value of the item at key is another JSON object, create a new entry using key as the key and value as the value
function changer(object, key, value) {
var ______ = ______;
if (Array.isArray(prev)) {
} else if (typeof prev == 'object' && prev != null) {
______ = ______;
} else {
______ = ______;
return null;

Q5: Promises Promises

In this function, we want to print the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 in numerical order. Using Promises, fill in the function to print numbers in the correct order

async function promise_me(truthy) {
const a = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const five = ______ ______
return five