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Creative Web Development and Three.js

What seperates a villain from a SUPER villain? PRESENTATION! 3D environments on the web is hard to find, finding it done well is even more so. A great example is apple, it changes all the time but alot of the iphones in the backgrounds are 3d without controls or in a prebuilt transition. This is more advanced but its no different than any other object oriented program, but instead of objects that function logically, it is 3 dimentional objects, cameras, canvas, and other fun quirky little magical functions that we can utilize to create something cool.


Three.js is a powerful JavaScript library that simplifies the creation of 3D content on the web, leveraging WebGL under the hood. Paired with Drei, a collection of useful helpers for react-three-fiber, you can build complex 3D scenes with React's declarative component model. This vitamin introduces you to Three.js and Drei, walking through the essential concepts and providing a practical example of a slope field visualization.

Commonly Asked Questions:

  1. What is Three.js?

    • Three.js is a JavaScript library that enables developers to create 3D graphics in the browser using WebGL. It abstracts complex WebGL operations, making 3D content creation accessible.
  2. What is Drei?

    • Drei is a helper library for react-three-fiber that provides a variety of pre-built components, such as cameras, controls, and 3D primitives, which simplify the development process in Three.js.
  3. Why use Three.js with React (react-three-fiber)?

    • Combining Three.js with React through react-three-fiber allows developers to leverage React's component model, making it easier to manage and update complex 3D scenes. React's declarative nature fits well with Three.js, streamlining the development process.
  4. What are the benefits of using Drei?

    • Drei enhances react-three-fiber by offering pre-configured components, utilities, and abstractions, allowing developers to focus on the core logic without worrying about lower-level details.

Example: Slope Field Visualization

The following code demonstrates how to create a 3D slope field visualization using Three.js, react-three-fiber, and Drei.

live example - the default controls are left drag right drag etc play around with it :) drei documentation three.js documentation

import React, { useRef, useEffect } from 'react';
import { Canvas, useFrame, useThree } from '@react-three/fiber';
import { OrbitControls, Text } from '@react-three/drei';
import * as THREE from 'three';

function SlopeField() {
const meshRef = useRef(null);
const { camera, gl } = useThree();

useEffect(() => {
camera.position.set(0, -30, 10);
camera.up.set(0, 5, 3);
}, [camera]);

useFrame(() => {
gl.setClearColor(new THREE.Color('#f0f0f0'));

const slopeField = [];
for (let x = -10; x <= 10; x += 1) {
for (let y = -10; y <= 10; y += 1) {
for (let z = -10; z <= 10; z += 1) {
if (x !== 0 && y !== 0 && z !== 0) {
const dx = 0.2;
const dy = dx * (x / y);
const dz = dx * (x / z);
const length = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz);
const arrow = (
position={[x, y, z]}
Math.atan2(dz, Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)),
Math.atan2(dy, dx),
<cylinderGeometry args={[0.01, 0.15, length, 12]} />
<meshBasicMaterial color={'#000000'} />

return (
<Text scale={[1, 1, 1]} color={'#000000'} position={[11, 0, 0]} rotation={[0, Math.PI / 2, 0]}>
<Text scale={[1, 1, 1]} color={'#000000'} position={[0, 11, 0]} rotation={[0, 0, Math.PI / 2]}>
<Text scale={[1, 1, 1]} color={'#000000'} position={[0, 0, 11]} rotation={[Math.PI / 2, 0, 0]}>
<OrbitControls ref={meshRef} enableDamping={false} />

function App() {
return (
<Canvas style={{ height: '100vh', width: '100vw' }}>
<SlopeField />

export default App;

In this code, we:

  • Set up a 3D scene using react-three-fiber's Canvas component.
  • Use Drei's OrbitControls and Text components for interactivity and labeling.
  • Implement a custom SlopeField component to visualize a 3D vector field, where arrows represent directional slopes based on a mathematical function.

Further info

Blender With Three.JS